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52 results for Darstellende Künste und Diversität & Chancengleichheit
She Got Game 2024: Nominierte Teilnehmerinnen
2024: Angepasste Fördermassnahmen – Darstellende Künste
2024: Aktualisierte Fördermassnahmen und Infoveranstaltung
Street corners become political arenas: COOP KIN (L’escamoteur à Kinshasa)
Ruth Childs plays with memory through body and music
Nicole Morel and Lea Hobson create a dialogue between dance, community, and architecture
Listening to the spectrum: Cali Dance Biennial as a laboratory for the body
East African artists learn the art of crafting stories for the ear with Erik Altorfer
Reflections on ‚Equality!‘: Cie Lindh and Weingartner’s North-East India tour
Boris Nikitin: ‚What we assume to be real is potentially fictitious‘
Jenna Hendry & Matilda Bilberg performing „I U M I“ in IDEA, Amman
Resultate Workshop «Tandem Diversität» 2023