Corporate Design Manual

This manual is aimed at Pro Helvetia funding and project managers and at professional designers who have been commissioned to create and produce communication materials on behalf of or in collaboration with Pro Helvetia.


Logo with byline, all language and colour variants

Logo-label, all language and colour variants

Slogan/Explanatory sentence, text (stand-alone)

The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia – Support, Connect, Inspire.
Committed to the arts in Switzerland and around the world.

Slogan/Explanatory sentence, «block» design element, all language versions

Colour Palette

Pantone Process Magenta
CMYK 0/100/0/0 | RGB 209/0/116 | HEX #D10074

Pantone 340
100/0/85/0 | RGB 0/152/95 | HEX #00985F

Pantone 639
CMYK 100/0/5/5 | RGB 0/153/204 | HEX #0099CC

Pantone 102
CMYK 0/0/95/0 | RGB 250/231/0 | HEX #FAE700

Pantone 1235
CMYK 0/40/100/0 | RGB 255/182/18 | HEX #FFB612

Social Media Profile Image