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Art+: exchange
Professional exchange about artistic or experimental approaches between artists and experts from other sectors. This format offers artists the opportunity to regularly exchange ideas with experts from social or scientific sectors over a period of 3 to 12 months.
For Whom
Two or more participants (artist(s) and expert(s) from social or scientific sectors)
Selection Criteria
- Potential to be a source of inspiration and professional development for all participants
- Originality and quality of the planned exchange on artistic processes (common interests and thematic issues)
- Exchange of ideas on artistic processes and thematic issues
- Equal collaboration between artists and experts from non-artistic fields
In addition to these specific criteria, the apply.
Financial Contribution
Maximum grant of CHF 10,000
- The grant may cover fees and administrative costs
Content Of Application
- Description, motivation and explanation of the potential of the collaboration
- Implementation plan
- Budget and financial plan (incl. information regarding all financial assistance requested from third parties)
- Details of the individuals involved (resumes, portfolios, etc.) and a signed declaration of intent. All project participants must be determined at the time of application
- The application must be submitted by the artists.
Format-specific Exclusion Criteria
- Grants towards infrastructure, equipment and operating costs
- Grants towards exchange in which a person takes on an exclusively advisory function or in which the focus is on coaching artists
- Grants towards the research or production of an artistic work that comes as a result of the exchange. Applications for artistic follow-up projects (i.e. after completion of the exchange) can be submitted to Pro Helvetia within the scope of regular funding measures.
- Grants towards projects that concern only artistic disciplines
Application Deadlines and Decision Timelines
Submission deadline | Open year-round |
Earliest start date for the project | Eight weeks after submitting the application |
Notification of decision | Within eight weeks |