Abstract colorful graphic

Visual arts

Target group
Practitioner with connection to Switzerland
Submission deadline
1 November


Production of new photographic projects based on a specific annual focus.

For 2024, the focus is ‘Sensorial Imaging’:

In an ever-changing world, images play an increasingly crucial role. They not only allow us to study, document, and raise awareness about the state of the world, but also to go beyond reality and imagine alternative universes. However, while they often materialize as visible phenomena that can be captured by photography, the transformations we witness also possess a sensorial and emotional dimension, much less tangible. How can we make visible what cannot be seen, but can be felt? How do we make sense of complex realities that depend on structures that cannot be captured or even seen with the naked eye? And how can we rethink the role of photography and imagery to bear witness to the perceptions and emotions shaping societies?

This call for projects aims to give photographers and artists concerned by these questions in their practice the means to address them in depth as part of a new project. In the context of this call for applications, a project is defined as the production of a photographic work (analogue, digital, CGI, etc.) that is created and produced with a clear aim to be publicly presented. We encourage any approach that addresses the “focus” in an innovative and relevant way.

Possible approaches for this year’s focus ‘Sensorial Imaging’ include:

  • projects that thematically explore the role of sensoriality in photography, particularly in relation to social, political, and environmental phenomena;
  • experimental projects that propose techniques to incorporate sensory perception into photographic production processes ;
  • projects exploring sensoriality in relation to the working conditions of photographers and artists, particularly addressing the emotional and ethical challenges they face.

For Whom

Photographers and artists

Selection Criteria

  • Artistic, documentary and/or applied photography
  • Unpublished project, designed and produced with the aim of public dissemination (exhibition, publication, release, etc.) and a corresponding strategy
  • Relevant exploration of the focus
  • Project must have a high degree of artistic originality and quality
  • Project must be feasible
  • Significance of the work in the wider realm of the applicant’s creative development

In addition to these specific criteria, the apply.

Financial Contribution

The contribution is a fixed amount of CHF 15,000 per project.

It may be used to cover all costs that are necessary to realise the project, with the exception of infrastructure, equipment and operating costs, and maintenance costs for digital formats.

Content Of Application

  • Concept for the content, form and implementation of the project, including work plan and timeline
  • Strategy for the public presentation – including supporting documents (invitation, contract, etc.) if this has already been scheduled
  • Budget and financial plan
  • Work documentation from the past few years and a CV including a list of previous public presentations in a single PDF

Format-specific Exclusion Criteria

  • Projects involving journalistic research and reporting (with publications in print media or digital formats) and PR projects are excluded.
  • Projects that are part of a school curriculum or an education or training programme, as well as new editions, commissioned works and projects that are part of an advertising campaign, are also excluded.
  • No contributions will be made for projects that are already in progress.

Application Deadlines and Decision Timelines

Applications can be submitted from1 September
Submission deadline1 November
Notification of decisionWithin eight weeks
Earliest start date for the projectEight weeks after application deadline

Additional Information

Image by Eurostandard

General Requirements


Pro Helvetia promotes the professional contemporary Swiss art and cultural production (without film) with a view to diversity as well as national and international reach. It supports the creation of new artistic works and productions, the exchange between Switzerland’s various linguistic regions, the dissemination of Swiss art and culture outside Switzerland and international cultural exchange. As a national foundation, Pro Helvetia supplements the promotional activities of Swiss cantons and municipalities and only supports projects that are cross-regionally or internationally recognised.

Pro Helvetia will only consider funding applications if they are complete and have been submitted on time.

To be eligible for support, projects must

  • have a clear connection to Switzerland
  • be of nationwide importance
  • be adequately co-funded by other public or private means
  • respects/guarantee fair working conditions

Connection to Switzerland

A connection to Switzerland is given, if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The production or project in question is developed or implemented by artists and cultural practitioners, who verifiably hold Swiss citizenship or are permanent residents of Switzerland and who are regularly artistically involved in relevant events in Switzerland.
  • The project is created, developed, or implemented by an independent group or cultural institution whose place of production is in Switzerland and who is regularly and publicly active in Switzerland.

Nationwide relevance

Nationwide relevance is given, if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The art and cultural practitioners participating in the project are regularly involved in programmes of nationally recognised art and cultural institutions in Swiss regions other than their own or abroad, and the project in question has a transregional appeal.
  • The artistic potential of an emerging art practitioner involved is exceptional in terms of a national or international career.
  • The project makes a significant contribution to the development of Swiss artistic and cultural production and its dissemination.
  • The project is of significant importance for the exchange between Switzerland’s various linguistic regions.

Assessment of content and quality

Within the framework of the available funds, Pro Helvetia prioritises projects that most comprehensively meet the funding criteria. The Foundation assesses whether

  • the project demonstrates high degree of independence and professional competence as well as social and thematic relevance
  • the project is implemented according to professional standards
  • the costs are commensurate with the expected impact
  • a lasting impact can be expected

Furthermore, the Foundation attaches great importance to the following aspects:

  • The project has an appropriate commitment to diversity.
  • Resources are used in an ecologically responsible manner and work and production are planned sustainably.


Pro Helvetia is unable to consider funding requests if

  • the same part of the submitted project is already received funding from other federal bodies (e.g. Federal Office of Culture, Presence Switzerland, Swiss National Science Foundation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)
  • the project is part of a school or university curriculum/basic training or continuing education programme (including dissertations, diploma projects, university scholarships, etc.)
  • funding is intended to cover infrastructure and equipment costs, as well as the costs of operating cultural facilities, archives and collections
  • the project does not depend on funding from Pro Helvetia

Status: January 2024