
Organisational Chart

The Board of Trustees is responsible for Pro Helvetia’s strategy and governance. It lays down the Arts Council’s guidelines and the focal points of its activities and supervises its management.

The Director leads the Head Office and heads the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the strategy and the promotional operations.

The sectors and divisions process applications for financial support, develop promotional concepts and measures, are responsible for dissemination and promotional projects, advise event organisers and arts practitioners, provide services and assistance for the offices abroad and implement initiatives of their own.

The Head Office is located in Zurich. Outside Switzerland, the Arts Council maintains six offices abroad. These comprise the liaison offices in Cairo, Johannesburg, New Delhi, Shanghai and South America and the Centre culturel suisse in Paris.

On request, the Committee of Experts, various juries and selected External Experts assess applications for support and projects planned by Pro Helvetia and advise the Arts Council in matters of content.

Further information on Pro Helvetia’s organisation can be found in the Internal Rules of Procedure (Geschäftsordnung) and the Grant Ordinance (Beitragsverordnung).

Schematic representation of the Arts Council's organisational structure.

At the top is the Board of Trustees as the strategic body. It is responsible for the Head Office, consisting of the Directorate and the Communication and the Innovation & Society sectors, as well as the two funding sectors "Visual Arts & Design" and "Performing Arts, Music & Literature", and the Global Network & International Affairs sector, to which the seven offices abroad are affiliated. 
The two deparments "IT" and "Human Resources & Facility Management" are not assigned to any sector but are directly affiliated to the Directorate. The Finance department reports to the Deputy Directorate.

The Executive Committee consists of the Directorate, the Deputy Directorate and the sector heads, whereby the Global Network & International Affairs sector is currently represented by the Deputy Directorate to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

The Executive Board is supported by the Committee of Experts as well as by the juries and external experts as advisory bodies.
The current organizational chart is valid until 30 June 2025