Image by Bienvenue Studios

Ecology and climate

We are committed to sustainable development, climate protection and resource conservation in the cultural sector. We support cultural institutions and organisations in the development of climate-friendly and resource-conserving models of production and dissemination, promote networking and support knowledge transfer and the development of tools. Within the disciplines, we are committed to climate-friendly mobility and reduced material usage in artistic production.

Who are our formats directed to?

Our funding programmes are aimed at Swiss cultural institutions and organisations as well as artists in all disciplines supported by Pro Helvetia.

What are our funding activities?

  • Events and development of tools for the Swiss cultural sector
  • Specific funding programmes with partner institutions
  • Artists and sustainability experts can jointly apply for an exchange.

Tools & Links

Recommendations for funding bodies: sustainable cultural policy 
Results of the working group on ecology in the cultural sector, undertaken by the ‘Nationaler Kulturdialog/Dialogue culturel national/Dialogo culturale nazionale’

Frequently asked questions

I am an artist and would like to submit an application for my artistic project that deals with climate change. Am I in the right place at ecology and climate?

For the support of artistic projects whose content deal with environmental issues (climate and resource conservation, etc.), you can apply to the funding programmes in the Pro Helvetia disciplines. The focus of funding for ecology and climate lies on the development of tools for climate-friendly production and dissemination models as well as networking.

I would like to generate a carbon footprint for my cultural institution. Are carbon footprints or environmental performance assessments supported?

we do not fund individual carbon footprints or environmental performance assessments for cultural institutions and organisations. We kindly direct you to existing CO2 calculators such as KlimAktiv for film and media, the Sustainable Event Monitoring System and Creative Green Tools.

I have been interested in environmental and climate issues for many years and have read a lot of specialist literature. Is my expertise sufficient to submit an application to Pro Helvetia?

Sustainability experts are not eligible to apply. A cultural institution or organisation must nominate you as a sustainability expert in the context of their application.

I would like to submit a mediation project that deals with sustainability issues and integrates targeted awareness-raising initiatives. Am I in the right place with Ecology and Climate?

In the context of ecology and climate, contributions to specific awareness-raising initiatives related to sustainability issues are not considered. Furthermore, neither the conception nor implementation of mediation projects is supported through the ecology and climate programme. Pro Helvetia supports mediation projects through the «Critical Reflection» programme.

As a private foundation that annually awards a sustainability prize, we would like to organise a panel with artists. Can we submit an application to ecology and climate?

Projects related to prizes and awards and the associated events are not eligible for support.

Do you have a question and would like to speak with a team member?

The team at a glance