Delphine Lanza & Dorian Rossel / Cie STT

Three figures silhouetted against a blue screen, with a distorted face in the background.
«Laterna Magica» © Carol Parodi

Compagnie STT aims to create a theatre that is accessible, direct, yet rigorous, while remaining unique and up-to-date. What sets its work apart is its focus not on traditional theatrical texts, but on themes drawn from current issues and contemporary films. The company is committed to engaging with the present moment and reflecting on the experiences of today.

Six people walk barefoot in a line, holding colorful cloths under a hanging light.
«Madone» © Carole Parodi
Two dancers in blue overalls perform against a black backdrop.
«L’oiseau migrateur» © J-M Lobbe


Daphné Bengoa,

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