With the call for applications “Expanding Perspectives” (2023), we aim to support projects that seek new and creative ways of networking and exchange.
A total of 79 projects were submitted by arts and culture practitioners. The specialist jury selected 11 projects that were particularly convincing in terms of multi-perspective approach as well as quality, originality, participatory elements and critical reflection.
The 11 projects supported are:
Klub Futur. Gemeinsam ver_lernen
Alexandra Adler, Lea Kuhn, Flavia Spichtig
A series of events with experimental exchange formats pursuing the questions of how knowledge shapes us, what knowledge systems are (re)produced in our society, and what forms of knowledge are (systematically) forgotten, supressed, adopted, or are attributed or denied values. The audience plays a key role in the events: it determines what areas of (un)learning are to be explored.
Living Room
Marianne Naeff
In various participatory and transdisciplinary processes, artists, sociocultural animators and activists together with migratory and BIPOC* communities create a space in which unheard stories, little-known images or sounds and little recognised knowledge find cultural expression. The content is shared with the public at large through the «Diaspora University» event platform.
Hear us Roar. Virtual Choir
Sara Salvi and Yvonne Eisenring
A programme featuring monthly online events allowing persons identifying as FLINTA to network and exchange their experiences. Set to music, the focus lies on political and social issues, allowing FLINTA persons to express the challenges they face in everyday life and to generate a feeling of solidarity.
Is there anything more thrilling than writing your own story
CALM-Centre d’art La Meute
A podcast series on the topic of art and autobiography from a migratory perspective. The focus lies on an exchange-based discourse regarding one’s biography within a social structure characterised by diversity and different cultural backgrounds.
Opernlandschaft 2024
Leo Hofmann
A reflection format that explores the question of how opera, as a total work of art, handles issues of participation and inclusion. During the period of one year, a group of persons visits operas taking place in Switzerland and inquires about accessibility and diversity. Answers and reflections will be bundled and presented as an opera landscape at a closing event.
Multidirectional Motions Zeughaus 4
Initiative Freie Musikszene Zürich (IFM)
A platform in the field of sound art that intends to create a multi-dimensional space for networking and exchange to strengthen experimental sound-related forms of art. The space is open to national and international art practitioners with different perspectives, working methods and artistic outlook. In a number of public events, the audience will be offered insights into these experimental artistic explorations.
Spatial Patterns
Verein JC und BW
A networking and exchange platform of techno musicians in Switzerland and Turkey that aims to address issues of under-representation and discrimination of women/FLINTAQ* in the club scene. The project comprises workshops, exchange formats and presentations to which the audience has digital or analogue access.
Cie Courant d’Cirque
A Swiss-French project by two groups from the circus scene intending to improve work and training conditions, with a particular emphasis on diversity, equality and secure employment. At the core of the project are a number of workshops that serve to enhance exchange, reflection and awareness for fair and non-violent working conditions among circus artists.
Center for Non-White/BIPOC* Archives, Library and Community
A networking and exchange platform that enables and promotes practice-oriented knowledge transfer between BIPOC* and non-BIPOC* artists, collectives and producers. The archive/library of Experi_Theater is the starting point for exchange and reflection on questions of exclusion and discrimination in the context of a neoliberal and capitalist society. Within a period of five months, an archive installation, a publication and an event format accessible to the public are to be created.
PAV living room
collectif vendredi
A series of events in the field of architecture that challenge traditional urban development approaches and aims to introduce a model for participatory urban planning, public discussion and reflection on architectural topics (including urbanism and areal development) with the participation of Geneva’s population.
MOBILE. Das Freiluftparlament – Gastfreundschaften
A series of events on the topic of hospitality and cultural participation in St. Gallen’s city park. The programme includes performances, music and discussions on topics that are defined in advance and in cooperation with the public. The aim is to gather collective knowledge and share it with the public.
About Critical reflection
In the “Critical Reflection” programme, we support projects that seek new forms of art outreach and education, and that strengthen critical debate on culture and contemporary arts production. For this purpose, we are launching three calls for applications in the 2022-2024 period, each with different focal points that build on one another.