Swiss Connection UK: Residencies 2024

Performing Arts
people laughing
© Asa Haynes

As part of Pro Helvetia’s Swiss Connection UK programme, residencies at four different institutions in the United Kingdom will take place in 2024:  HOME Manchester, Marlborough Productions Brighton, Brixton House London and Fierce Festival Birmingham.

The residencies enable participants to expand their network, become familiar with an institution in a specifically British context, and reflect on their own artistic practice with the help of local arts and theatre-related practitioners. Each institution has a different focus in terms of content and genre of work. 

Meet the selected participants: 

Yann Slattery & Yevheniya Kravets in residence with Fierce Festival Birmingham  

This residency will be contextualised by the next edition of Fierce (15 – 20 October 2024). Moving away from a traditional, in-studio residency, the artists will use the Festival as the site of response, intervention, and/or creation. While this is intentionally left open-ended, the artists can think about how audiences engage with the Festival, with the curated artists, and/or each other. 

Mel Oscar Damianaki & Trân Tran in residence with Marlborough Productions Brighton  

The residency will take place during Brighton’s annual international festival of arts (4th – 26th May) and the artists will spend time seeing work and connecting with industry professionals, as well as some studio time developing new work together.  

Anna Chiedza Spörri in residence with Brixton House London  

This residency will take place in September during Brixton House’s ‘Housemates’ Festival of new work, supporting exciting artists to platform new work. The artist will engage with different artists making work in the building and spend time developing their own work with London based creatives.  

Arnold & Komarov Travelling Theatre in residence with HOME Manchester  

During the residency in May HOME will be host to several exciting performances which the artists will engage with. They will also spend time developing a new piece of work in co-creation with local communities in Manchester and developing further links with the artistic community there.