Pro Helvetia adjusts and finetunes its support measures each year. Here you will find an overview of changes applicable from 2024.
Process support
The call for applications for diversity process support will now be open twice a year (application deadlines 1 April and 1 October).
Further information: details see below
Event and/or work tool
What was previously known as “tools and knowledge transfer formats” is now called “event and/or work tool”. Funding is provided for events (in-person, digital or hybrid), such as workshops or discussion series, that aim to break down barriers to accessibility and increase equal opportunities in the cultural sector. As well as practical work tools, such as guides or checklists, for cultural institutions and organisations that promote diversity. Applications may be submitted throughout the year.
Further information: Diversity: Event and/or work tool
Open calls for applications
Process support workshop
In the two-day Diversity process support workshop (6–7 June 2024, Berne), cultural organisations learn about diversity-oriented organisational development and the methods and tools needed to devise diversity strategies for one’s own organisation. Applications for the workshop can be submitted up to 1 April 2024.
Further information: Diversity: Process support workshop
Process support
After participating in the workshop, cultural institutions and organisations can apply for longer-term support through the Diversity process suidance programme. The associated grant provides for guidance and counselling by external diversity specialists. Application deadline: 1 April 2024.
Further information: Diversity: Process support
Information event
Diversity and Equality
Here you find further information about the support for Diversity and Equality, as well as Tools and Links.