Pro Helvetia
Le Caire

Ouvert en 1988, notre bureau de liaison au Caire s’engage à promouvoir les échanges culturels et la collaboration artistique entre la Suisse et la région arabe.

Notre équipe locale d’expertes et experts facilite et encourage les rencontres professionnelles entre ces scènes artistiques, dans toutes les disciplines soutenues par Pro Helvetia. Nous tissons des liens avec les institutions organisatrices et développons des partenariats pérennes avec des plateformes pertinentes pour encourager la promotion et la diffusion de la création artistique de Suisse dans la région. Par le biais de nos résidences et voyages de recherche, nous favorisons les échanges culturels depuis la Suisse vers la région, et vice versa.

À qui nous adressons-nous ?

Quel est notre rayon d’action ?

Quelles sont nos mesures de soutien ?

Nos résidences partenaires

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des résidences partenaires dans la région. Ce réseau diversifié évolue constamment en réponse à la situation dynamique de la région. Situées dans des centres urbains ou des zones rurales, nos institutions partenaires couvrent tout un éventail de disciplines et de formats, que ce soit dans des espaces fixes ou dans le contexte de plateformes ouvertes. Les artistes qui postulent pour une résidence peuvent préciser l’organisation qui leur correspond le mieux. Veuillez noter qu’en cas de sélection, l’institution partenaire peut changer en fonction de la disponibilité.

Liste des résidences partenaires sous forme de tableau

32BisTunis, TunisiaThe 32bis is a hybrid and alternative place for research, creation, exhibition and knowledge sharing. 2 buildings, 4 levels, 4,000 m²: the 32bis is located within the walls of the former Philips headquarters, built in 1953 in the heart of Tunis. Visual
ARD contemporary art institutionCairo, EgyptARD is an art institution founded by Hana El-Beblawy in 2022 and specialized in the field of contemporary art practices within the local and international art scene. It presents a diversified program that includes many artistic activities stemming from the surrounding affairs and is open to the world. The program includes; artistic residencies, exhibitions, workshops, and other art alternatives which ARD is seeking to provide as services that would contribute to effective artistic patterns in the society. It also strives for a fruitful art scene that is not constrained by the traditional standards of the art market.Visual
B’sarya for ArtsAlexandria, EgyptB’sarya is an independent art space located in the heart of Alexandria, Egypt. It is dedicated to the development of the contemporary art scene in the disciplines of music and photography, through the organization of artistic residencies and photography exhibitions, as well as the release of music productions. It commissions performances that tackle issues related to ecology and climate change, such as the audio-visual performances titled « The Sea Around Us » and « Waking The Giants ».Multiple (Music, Visual Arts) among
Bayt YakanCairo, EgyptBayt Yakan is a 17th century building located in al-Darb al-Ahmar district in the heart of Historic Cairo. It entails and exhibits historic elements that interprets the historic of Cairo during that span of time. It is situated in Suq al-Silah St, just 5 minutes’ walk from midan al-Qalaa’ and al-Rifa’ mosque, and 10 minutes from al-Azhar Park. Saved from demolition, it was restored and rehabilitated to accommodate several activities, residencies, lecture halls for community engagement and academic programs, a library and a gallery where exhibitions of various nature are held.Multiple (Litreature/Architecture/Design), among
Elbirou Art GallerySousse, TunisiaInaugurated in December 2015, Elbirou Art Gallery is an independent cultural platform for international exchanges and support for young emerging artists. The work in favor of contemporary art of the master of the place is inseparable from his love for photography which spontaneously led him to divert an old family wool warehouse dating from the 1960s into a very recent art gallery benefiting from a strategic location in the heart of the city of Sousse. Elbirou is a platform intended to host artistic manifestations of all forms as well as various cultural events: exhibitions, installations, meetings (talks, presentation of works, concerts, performances, etc.). Visual
Jordan National Gallery for Fine ArtsAmman, JordanThe Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts is the region’s leading art museum with its unique Permanent Collection that comprises over 3000 works including drawings, paintings, sculptures, ceramics, video art, installations, graphic art, and photography, by artists from the Islamic and Developing Worlds, mainly from Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and Australia. Multiple (Visual art, Performing arts, among others)
Kamel Lazaar FoundationTunis, TunisiaSince its founding in 2005, the Kamel Lazaar Foundation for Art and Culture has launched several actions and projects whose local and regional effects highlight the vitality and diversity of the cultural scene in the MENA region. The Foundation supports research, publication, and exhibition initiatives, and regularly organizes debates, symposiums, and seminars. It supports the production and accompaniment of artists through residencies and artists’ workshops, and develops partnerships and exchanges with international cultural actors, in order to promote Tunisia as a hub for contemporary art.Visual
KULTERabat, MoroccoKULTE is a contemporary art centre of general interest whose civic function and role on the visual arts and book scene are essential to the social and economic development of Moroccan society. Accessible to all, but with a particular focus on young people, the art centre aims to promote the development of culture as an essential as an essential driver of economic, social and identity. KULTE’s mission is to support the democratisation of culture, the professionalisation of its professions and the development of its economy. Located in the heart of Rabat’s medina, the eighteenth-century building where the art centre will soon be deploying its activities was made available activities was made available by the Ministry of Culture. A unique model of partnership with the Moroccan government to promote access to culture, social social mix, inclusion and ‘better living together’. KULTE is an open space where the public can come together to to work and acquire knowledge and skills. a ‘third place’ whose objective is to support the labelling of the art centre designation in Morocco. The art centre is built around several essential components
complementary to each other: books, contemporary art, ecology and training.
Contemporary art, art work productions and exhibitions, publishing, risography, editorial training workshops, ecological
La Chambre ClaireAlger, AlgeriaLa Chambre Claire is an independent enterprise that brings together several distinct yet interconnected entities: an artist residency, a publishing house specializing in imagery, an artisanal stationery shop, a film production company, and a learning space. La Chambre Claire aims to create an ecosystem where imagery and photography are celebrated and preserved, serving as catalysts for creativity and innovation. It seeks to enrich the artistic landscape in Algeria and beyond by showcasing works that inspire thought and evoke
La ParallelCasablanca, MoroccoLa Parallèle is a space for art, learning and openness, where everyone can progress at their own pace. Workshops and courses in theatre, dance, music and well-being.

La Parallèle has three workspaces with parquet flooring, a co-working space and a large roof terrace, ideal for relaxing after activities.

The teaching team is made up entirely of artists from renowned Moroccan companies such as IRTIJAL, COI’JAM and La Cabane à films. Co-directed by Fanny Dalmau and Ghassan El, this new space is all about professionalism and a passion for sharing.
Music, Performing
L’Art RueTunis, TunisiaL’Art Rue is a shared and transversal space, in the heart of the city of Tunis but intimately linked to what’s around, where artists from here and there meet and connect with citizens, activists and experts of the city and the Tunis life. With the hope of creating, poeticizing and transforming a territory collectively, with the urgency of making city and society together, L’Art Rue puts openness, proximity and the legacy of creation at the centre of its effort to reach out to and include diverse stakeholders, united by a free imagination of a common future.Performing arts,
LE CUBERabat, MoroccoThe Cube – independent art room is an exhibition, residence and research space focused on contemporary artistic practices. Its approach revolves around projects raising contextualized social, cultural, and political questions, and encourages proposals that question History and narratives. In this dynamic, Le Cube designs and develops a vast program of exhibitions that link artistic issues to other dimensions of research, in order to conduct a constantly evolving reflection on our environment. A place of analysis and experimentation, Le Cube defends an approach where the reflections and points of view of artists and audiences are expressed.Visual
Medrar for contemporary artCairo, EgyptMedrar for Contemporary Art is a non-profit art space based in Cairo, Egypt, offering an open platform for conversations and collaborations between artists, as well as institutions, critics, curators, programmers and techies both locally and internationally. Started as a collective in 2005, Medrar has since been acting as a base for emerging and mid-career artists and diffusing experimentations at the intersection of new and diverse practices, media, and technologies. Through experimental and collaborative programs, it facilitates opportunities for mobility, exposure and the development of an independent and dynamic movement of local artists. Alongside multiple activities, Medrar is committed to expanding its five key projects: the Cairo Video Festival, Roznama Competition and Exhibition, Roznama Studio Program, Medrar TV, Medrar Studio and MedRX Portal.Video art, interactive media, digital
Megawra-BECCairo, EgyptMegawra-BEC is a platform for debate and action in the built environment with a focus on theory, praxis, art and linking cultural heritage to sustainability and social responsibility. A partnership between Egyptian NGO, the Built Environment Collective and its professional arm, Megawra, it runs a program of cultural events in addition to Athar Lina Initiative in al-Khalifa.Multiple (Architecture, urbanism, design, among others)
MMAG FoundationAmman, JordanMMAG is a contemporary art foundation that strives to contribute to the future of art practice and pedagogy in its region by drawing on historical encounters and contextual issues alike. Through art, it works to facilitate opportunities to shape responsible approaches to learning, knowledge-making, sharing, and modes of dialogue. Its campus includes multifunctional areas for creating and living, and shared studios such as an art library, a screening room, a dark room, a glass studio and a sound studio. By offering a space for residencies, workshops, public programs and exhibitions, it has established itself as an essential gathering place for artists and art practitioners from the city and beyond. Multidisciplinary: visual art, photography, research, writing, performance, digital art…
Rhizome galleryAlger, AlgeriaRhizome’s initiative aims to support the professionalization of local emerging artists; restructure Rhizome through strategic planning, legal structure, team set-up and financial sustainability; and strengthen Rhizome’s social dimension by developing its audience engagement programs.Visual arts,
Studio 8Amman, Jordan« Since 2014, Studio 8 has collaborated with more than 450 people of 38 nationalities in creating 10 original dance productions, giving more than 40 performances, and organizing more than 120 classes and workshops. Studio 8 has also made more than 100 dance videos, co-created artist residencies, exhibitions, dance discussions, community art walks and a street art fair. »Performing
TASSAROUTRabat, MoroccoThe Tassarout “third space” is situated at the heart of Rabat’s old Medina, within the Fondouk Ben Aicha—a former caravanserai repurposed in the 1950s for craftsmanship. It is located on the renowned Consuls’ Street. Tassarout occupies two workshops within the caravanserai, initially designated for traditional artisan activities but transformed into a cultural hub, seamlessly integrating into the ecosystem alongside approximately thirty contemporary artisans working with leather, raffia, wood, and copper. The name « Tassarout », signifying « key » in the Amazigh language, aims to unlock a space for gathering and convergence, intersecting culture, art, and craftsmanship. Rooted strongly in the local context, the objective is to dissolve the boundaries between artists, artisans, diverse creators, and the local community, fostering a dynamic synergy. In terms of programming, Tassarout aligns itself with a threefold approach encompassing research, transmission, and diffusion, spanning both artistic and cultural dimensions.Crafts, Visual arts, Performing arts, Design,
Think TangerTangier, MoroccoThink Tanger is a cultural platform dedicated to the exploration of urban challenges arising in the city of Tangier. It serves as a platform to concretely address and highlight social and spatial impacts of urban matters, through projects operating at the crossroads of visual arts, design, participatory research and urban practices.Multiple (Visual arts, design, urbanism, among others)

Questions fréquentes

Je suis un·e artiste de la région arabe. Quels soutiens propose Pro Helvetia ?

Vous trouverez les mesures appropriées dans la rubrique Trouvez un soutien. Veillez à sélectionner les paramètres qui vous correspondent.

Je suis un·e artiste de la région arabe et je souhaite présenter mon travail en Suisse. Pro Helvetia peut-elle me soutenir ?

Non. Nous ne soutenons pas la présentation de travaux en Suisse, par exemple dans le cadre d’expositions et de tournées. Veuillez vous adresser à artlink afin de connaître les possibilités de soutien pour présenter votre travail en Suisse.

Je suis un·e artiste de la région arabe. Suis-je éligible à une contribution à la création ?

Non. En tant que fondation nationale, Pro Helvetia propose des contributions à la création pour les artistes de nationalité suisse ou ayant leur résidence permanente en Suisse.

Les personnes ayant effectué un voyage de recherche ou une résidence soutenue par Pro Helvetia peuvent demander un soutien à la cocréation.

Je suis étudiant·e et je cherche un soutien. Pro Helvetia peut-elle me soutenir ?

Non, nous ne soutenons pas l’éducation tertiaire.

Je suis un·e artiste de la région arabe et j’aimerais demander une contribution pour un projet dans un autre pays de la région. Pro Helvetia peut-elle me soutenir ?

Non. Nous soutenons uniquement les projets ayant un rapport ou un lien clair avec la Suisse et impliquant des actrices et acteurs culturels de Suisse.

Accueillez-vous ou organisez-vous des événements culturels ou des programmes éducatifs ?

Pro Helvetia Le Caire n’est pas un centre culturel. Nous n’accueillons pas ou n’organisons pas d’événements culturels ou de programmes éducatifs. Tous les projets soutenus par Pro Helvetia Le Caire sont gérés et organisés par des partenaires suisses et arabes.

J’ai une proposition de projet, mais pas de partenaire suisse. Pro Helvetia peut-elle me présenter des partenaires de Suisse ?

Veuillez contacter la ou le responsable de programme en charge de votre région.

Avez-vous des questions et souhaitez-vous parler à une personne de l’équipe ?

Aperçu de l’équipe