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53 results for Pro Helvetia South America and Pro Helvetia Johannesburg
Sticky post: Residenzen 2026: Informationen und Online-Events
Guide to residencies in East, Central, West and Southern Africa
Guide to Residencies in South America 2025
Co-creation: a glimpse into projects between Switzerland and South America
Swiss presence in South America: a recap of events in 2024
Sarafadeen Bello plumbs the futures of blue economies on the shores of Lake Zurich
‘The forgetting, relearning, and reconnecting is an inspiring process as an artist’: Daniela Brugger reflects on her residency
Engaging Decolonial narratives from Switzerland to Nigeria
Dancing between continents: Weaving connections in the performing arts
‘I have a voice, and it’s important to use it’: In conversation with Donya Speaks
‘Inspiration, connection, and empowerment for women in gaming’: Apply for She Got Game
Zweite Staffel des Podcasts «Art meets…»: Kollaborationen am Schnittpunkt zwischen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technologie